Swift Fox deadline extended until May 31st. Register now and save
Swift Fox deadline extended until May 31st. Register now and save

Earth Lodge Blog

Enjoy our articles about the value and the power of Rites of Passage, transformational travel, vision quests, the Medicine Wheel and the delights that await kids, teens and adults at Earth Lodge Australia’s nature camp

“Lightningbolt” by Hyemeyohsts Storm: A Spiritual Autobiography

In a world craving healing and seeking a deeper sense of connection, the book Lightningbolt by Hyemeyohsts Storm offers a..

Empowering Adolescents: The Psychological Benefits of Rites of Passage

Ever watched your child stand on the brink of a new chapter, witnessing that pivotal shift from carefree youthfulness to..

Discover Transformational Holidays: The Key to Personal Growth and Wellness

Are you looking for a holiday experience that goes beyond the usual vacation? If so, then it’s time to discover..

Rites of Passage for All Ages: A Way of Restoring Community
Throughout life, there are certain experiences that really stand out and shape who we are. These transitions play a significant..
A Detailed Look at Our Three Lodges

A place for all ages at Earth Lodge Earth Lodge Australia isn’t just a family camp; it’s a journey of..

The power of the Medicine Wheel for self-discovery and learning
Using a medicine wheel can help us make sense of our lives and develop on our unique path of personal..
Navigating life’s milestones: The importance of rites of passage
A rite of passage is a ceremony or ritual that marks a person’s transition from one life stage to another…
Transform your family holiday with Earth Lodge Australia
Do you ever feel like family holidays cater to only some of your family members? At Earth Lodge Australia, every..

Information Pack

For more information on the Earth Lodge Australia event, simply download our Information Pack for all of the details.