Swift Fox deadline extended until May 31st. Register now and save
Swift Fox deadline extended until May 31st. Register now and save

Transform your family holiday with Earth Lodge Australia

Rites of passage

Discover a Magical Family Camp in Nature

Embark on a magical family camp immersed in the beauty of nature at Earth Lodge Australia. Join us from September 24-28th, 2024, on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, for an unforgettable adventure that will bring your family closer and transform your lives. Explore lush, rolling hills, feel the earth beneath your bare feet, and marvel at the cobalt blue skies above. Connect with the gentle whispers of the wind, melodious songs of exotic birds, and the soothing rustle of leaves. This holiday will be a life-changing journey you don’t want to miss. Create lasting memories and cherish moments of togetherness amidst nature’s wonders.

Engaging Experiences for the Entire Family

Do you ever feel like family holidays cater to only some of your family members? At Earth Lodge , we believe that every person, irrespective of their age, should feel engaged, inspired, and connected. That’s why we offer a diverse range of age-specific activities and experiences that cater to everyone in the family, from the curious four-year-old to the adventurous teenager, and yes, the reflective adult too.

The uniquely tailored programs of Earth Lodge Australia are split into three Lodges: Kid’s Lodge, Teen’s Lodge and Adult’s Lodge. The programme for each lodge is designed with thoughtful attention to the preferences and needs of the different age groups. Kid’s Lodge is a vibrant play land that sparks the imagination and encourages learning through play. Teen’s Lodge is a dynamic haven that combines the enthusiasm of youth with opportunities for self-discovery and independence. Adult’s Lodge, on the other hand, is a serene sanctuary that offers relaxation and tranquillity, yet provides engaging and impactful teachings from our esteemed visiting teachers.

Kid’s Lodge: An Adventure Playground

Children are natural explorers and learners. That’s why we’ve shaped our Kid’s Lodge as an adventure playground that sparks both imagination and physical activity. Designed for children aged 4 to 12, the Kid’s Lodge offers a variety of nature-inspired activities, including treasure hunts, nature crafts, storytelling sessions, and mini wildlife expeditions. Our dedicated team ensures an environment that is safe, inclusive, and most importantly, fun! At Kid’s Lodge, your children will not only have a fantastic time, but they’ll also develop a deeper appreciation for nature and its wonders well as increase their self-awareness and confidence and cultivate empathy towards others.

Teen’s Lodge: Embracing Adventure and Self-Discovery

At Earth Lodge Australia, we understand that the teenage years are filled with exploration, self-discovery, and the quest for independence. That’s why we’ve dedicated the Teen’s Lodge to fostering these key life experiences. Designed for ages 13 to 18, Teen’s Lodge offers activities that are not only thrilling but empowering. With experiences like wilderness survival skills, raft building, rope climbing and star-gazing sessions, teens will have an opportunity to challenge themselves and venture out of their comfort zones. Through these experiences, they will develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and a sense of independence. Our team-building activities will also support their abilities to collaborate and communicate effectively, laying a strong foundation for their future endeavours. In Teen’s Lodge, your teenagers will discover more about themselves, their capabilities, and their connection to the world around them. It’s not just about adventure – it’s about growth.

Adult’s Lodge: A Haven for Relaxation and Reflection

As adults, we also need time to unwind, rejuvenate, and reconnect. Whether you’re a parent looking for some time of respite from your responsibilities or an individual seeking a place to reconnect with nature and your inner self, Adult’s Lodge is the place for you.

At Earth Lodge, we’re honoured to incorporate the teachings of the Sweet Medicine Sundance (SMSD) path into our programs. This spiritual path, handed down through the ages by the Twisted Hairs Metis Medicine Society Council of Elders, provides a structured and holistic approach to personal and planetary growth and healing.

In Adult’s Lodge, you are invited to explore the SMSD path’s unique lens to view the Self, the world, and the cosmos, offering insights into the interconnectedness of all life. These teachings address all aspects of human existence — from the physical and emotional to the mental and spiritual.

In your Earth Lodge experience, it’s not just about taking a break – it’s about harnessing the power of nature and the profound wisdom of ancient knowledge to promote holistic well-being, personal growth, and a deeper appreciation for the world around us. 

Come and embark on a journey of self-discovery and tranquillity with us.

Sweet Medicine SunDance Path: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Insight

The SMSD path fosters clarity of thought and emotion, enabling us to navigate life’s complexities with greater ease and confidence. It invites introspection, encourages harmony with nature, and promotes balance in all aspects of life. These teachings are not just about understanding the world around us, but also about looking into our inner worlds and acknowledging our capabilities, strengths, and areas for growth.

Engaging with the SMSD teachings at Earth Lodge Australia, you will find yourself on a journey of self-discovery, gaining insights that transcend the every day and touch the very essence of your being. This experience has the potential to transform your perspective and imbue your life with a deeper sense of purpose, connection, and appreciation for the intricacies of the natural world and human experience. Embrace the wisdom of the ancients, and let the Sweet Medicine Sundance path illuminate your journey.

Rite of Passage Ceremonies for All

The Importance of Traditional Rites of Passage

In traditional societies, Rites of Passage ceremonies hold immense significance. They serve as powerful milestones, marking the transition from one stage of life to another. They offer a space for communal acknowledgement and celebration, binding individuals closer to their communities, and providing them with a sense of belonging and identity.

However, in our modern, fast-paced world, these ceremonies have often been lost or overlooked, resulting in a profound impact on our societal fabric. The absence of these rites has left many individuals, particularly young people, without clear markers for their development and progression. This lack of clarity can lead to confusion and a sense of aimlessness, as their roles, responsibilities, and expectations within the community are not clearly outlined.

Reintroducing Rites of Passage at Earth Lodge Australia

At Earth Lodge Australia, we want to bring back these traditional ceremonies that have been missing for too long. Our goal is to create a space that respects our modern world while honouring our roots. By doing this, we hope to empower individuals, boost their confidence, and strengthen their connection with the community. Ultimately, we believe this will lead to personal growth and a more harmonious society.

We all have our special moments in life, right? Those turning points that signify a shift, growth, or change. At Earth Lodge Australia, we honor these moments with our Rite of Passage ceremonies, open to all participants. These ceremonies celebrate personal growth and the transformation that accompanies every stage of life, providing a supportive space for reflection and recognition. Whether you’re a teenager transitioning to adulthood or an adult seeking reassurance and clarity, our ceremonies offer meaningful experiences that will make a lasting impact. Read more about the importance of Rites of Passage for young people in this post.

Nature as Your Teacher

How often do we get the chance to learn from the greatest teacher of all? Nature. Earth Lodge Australia is centred around this very concept. We offer experiences that take you deep into the heart of nature, guiding you on a magical journey that reaches both inside and out. Unearth the wonders that lie in our natural world, from the smallest pebble to the tallest tree, and discover how they reflect the wonders that lie within you.

At Earth Lodge Australia, our programs are designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for self-discovery. We believe that nature has the power to teach us important life lessons, if we’re willing to observe it closely. Connect with its rhythms and cycles, learn from its wisdom, and embrace its wonder — you might just be surprised at the insights it can offer.

Book Your Transformative Journey Today

Does this sound like a family holiday you want to be a part of? Are you ready to create memories that will last a lifetime, foster deep connections, and inspire personal growth? Then what are you waiting for? Book your place at Earth Lodge Australia today and embark on a family holiday that promises to be as transformative as it is unforgettable. Click on the Register Now button above to secure your spot on this incredible journey.

Remember, at Earth Lodge Australia, we’re not just offering a vacation. We’re offering an opportunity for personal growth, for connection, for transformation. We’re offering an experience that you and your family will carry with you long after you’ve left the rolling hills of Kenilworth. So, are you ready to transform your family holiday?

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